Fusion | 4.3.22 | Emilie

Fusion | 4.3.22 | Emilie

Emilie loves Fusion classes because they most closely resemble her at home workouts. She always starts with a glute and core activation track to waken the mind muscle connections so that those muscles are engaged and activated while dancing. Then we’ll dance to a combination of Power and Oula tracks until we hit peak cardio with a burpee Power track. You can expect about 35 minutes of dancing. Then we’ll finish with one pushup, lower body, and ab track before we cool down.

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Fusion | 4.3.22 | Emilie
  • Fusion | 4.3.22 | Emilie

    Emilie loves Fusion classes because they most closely resemble her at home workouts. She always starts with a glute and core activation track to waken the mind muscle connections so that those muscles are engaged and activated while dancing. Then we’ll dance to a combination of Power and Oula tra...