LIVE Fusion | 9.30.20 | Rosy

LIVE Fusion | 9.30.20 | Rosy

Besides highlighting the amazing emotional and psychological benefits of OULA, Mama Rose loves the opportunity to focus on functional fitness for better flexibility, balance, grace, strength, endurance and agility. She finds alternatives and creates options to suit your current level of physicality making this a format for EVERYbody and everyBODY.

This weeks 40 min playlist is certain to awaken your inner GODDESS. Embrace your inner GODESS! Reclaim your POWER and DANCE with the WILD Woman within!
1. Girl Gang
2. No Roots
3. Cool Me Down
4. Night of Your Life
5. Warrior (oula/power)
6. Revolution (power)
7.Elastic Heart
8. Falls (One release 22)
9. X (22)
10 One Night (22)

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LIVE Fusion | 9.30.20 | Rosy
  • Fusion | 9.30.20 | Rosy

    Besides highlighting the amazing emotional and psychological benefits of OULA, Mama Rose loves the opportunity to focus on functional fitness for better flexibility, balance, grace, strength, endurance and agility. She finds alternatives and creates options to suit your current level of physicali...