Good Luck Babe
Body Count
New Rules
Big Girls Don't Cry
Sway With Me
Disco Cone
How to Be a Heartbreaker
Work Work
Love Runs Out
Run Away Girl
I am Here
Wait For You
Calm Down
Erin attended her first Oula class in 2011 and didn't think much of it, yet through the ups and downs of life's journey she was constantly drawn back to class. Oula became part of her path to healing from past trauma & loss. Showing up for herself also meant showing up to class! She is a more loving and authentic Mom, friend, colleague, and human because of it. Erin leads by example in never taking herself too seriously and brings sexiness and silliness to every class. When she's not dancing, Erin can be found in the mountains, near a body of water, or loving on her kiddos (when they let her).