Gentle Oula One XXXV + XX(30mn) | 5.9.24 | Andrea

Gentle Oula One XXXV + XX(30mn) | 5.9.24 | Andrea

Only in Love - Beautiful Chorus (grounding meditation)
All a Bit Too Loud - tom Rosenthal
simple shapes - slenderbodies
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
Muddy Waters - LP
Cereus Bright - Cereus Bright
Strawberries - Caamp
Final Song: New Light - Mega

Andrea was dancing around her living room before she could walk, though did not officially start dancing until college. When she found Oula she knew she was in the right fitness home. Andrea has been instructing since 2017, teaching Oula, Oula One and Oula Power. She loves bringing mindful movement that is fun and non-judgmental to her participants…because it’s not about how it looks, it’s about how it feels! And we make it feel SO good!
Follow Andrea on Instagram at @oulawithandrea

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Gentle Oula One XXXV + XX(30mn) | 5.9.24 | Andrea
  • Gentle Oula One XXXV + XX(30min) | 5.9.24 | Andrea

    Only in Love - Beautiful Chorus (grounding meditation)
    All a Bit Too Loud - tom Rosenthal
    simple shapes - slenderbodies
    Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
    Muddy Waters - LP
    Cereus Bright - Cereus Bright
    Strawberries - Caamp
    Final Song: New Light - Mega

    Andrea was dancing around her livi...