Chelsea is a Registered Nurse and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and one of her greatest passions is helping others discover the health benefits of shifting to an Intuitive Eating mindset around food. She provides mindfulness-based activities that will grow your Intuitive Eating powers! She dances with Oula Online in her living room with her 4 year old twins, and believes Oula and Intuitive Eating go hand in hand.

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  • I Am Allowed: Body Scan

    This Mindfulness Moment guides us to apply the affirmation "I Am Allowed" to our physical body. We take a few minutes to check in with the body, head to toe, and remind ourselves that each part is allowed to exist exactly as it is in this moment.

  • Intuitive Eating: Body Scan

    Today's exercise is a guided body scan. It reminds us that our bodies are sending us important information all the time and our abilities to care for ourselves are greatly enhanced when we take a moment to listen.