A little about this release:
I loved Frozen 2 for many reasons, but the following article sums up one aspect I found so incredibly important:
"But more importantly, Elsa pursues the long-overdue work of getting right with herself. The first movie was all about her learning how to be loved by others – important. But the second movie is all about self-love, which is just as if not more important. Elsa’s goal is to learn the truth of who she is and to make her peace with it, no longer denying her magical abilities or trying to shove them down out of fear. She’s only just learned how to let people in, a huge step for anyone; now she needs to learn how to live for herself and not simply for everyone else."(https://atomtickets.com/movie.../elsa-relationship-frozen-2/)
So this release, alongside our affirmation #iamlove, is a story of coming back home to ourselves. You’ll hear at the beginning the female voice humming and singing in the distant background or coming in halfway through some of the songs, and it was like Frozen 2 for me when Elsa hears her a voice, her mom calling to her, but in following that voice and seeing the story of her ancestors, what she found was HERSELF. You'll hear in the middle of this playlist, the female voice takes the lead and then the end, the songs become more about developing a relationship, in this case, with our own self.
There’s A Place
Mystery of Love
Lights Off
Lie Awake
How True is Your Love – Acoustic
Not About Angels
Somewhere Only We Know
Next to You
Love is All
Girl in Calico
I Got You, Honey
Infinite Trees
Savasana Song: Healah Dancing
FInd it on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ShBAWHqj8f4vTRxbwCP40
Oula One(60min) | 2.9.25 | Jenna
This class originally aired 2.11.21.
Jenna “got her groove back" when she attended her first Oula class eight years ago. The love affair continued when she experienced One’s powerful ability to unlock even more light and personal growth. Jenna’s classes provide a nurturing space and freedom to ... -
Kali // 3.20.20 // Oula One XX
Through Your eyes
everything I wanted
I see you
Hugging you
If the world was ending
No hard feeling
Cereus bright
Strawberries -
Oula.One XXII | Kali
Kali Lindner is the owner and founder of OULA Fitness. Her style encourages you to dig deep physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for a cathartic and energetically charged experience. Kali's classes will make you feel alive and free!
Hunger of the Pine
Your Love...