Besides highlighting the amazing emotional and psychological benefits of OULA, Mama Rose loves the opportunity to focus on functional fitness for better flexibility, balance, grace, strength, endurance and agility. She finds alternatives and creates options to suit your current level of physicality making this a format for EVERYbody and everyBODY.
Follow Rosy on Instagram – @dance_with_mama_rose
This playlist is called~ I’m a Believer
Keeping Your Head Up - I've Got You~ We've Got this!
Pumpin' Blood - “You’re the decider of the world”
Faith - "I have Faith in you!"
Everybody - "Everybody needs LOVE" "We're not differently the same!"
High Hopes - “Rewrite your history, light up your wildest dreams”
I Beleive That We Will WIn - “Say it with me!"
Believer (ID) - "Pain! You made me a believer” We RISE above the lessons from pain~ and are stronger because of it!
Believer (Maj) - "We Dance when we conquer!" " Stand firm, you will be much stronger"
Breathe Slow (release 17) - “See how strong you became?”
Boy (17) - Dream big then follow your dreams. “Don’t fear your life Boy, grow and change”
Got It In You (17) - Yes, you do!
I Beleive in Us (17) - Yes, I do!
Sink in (17) - “ Because there’s doors to open still in your mind. You’ve got places that you still need to find”
Hope (release 22) - Hope is the belief things will work out!
Words of Wisdom From Mama Rose and this playlist:
Hope teams with faith and believes!
In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask: “When did you stop dancing?” “When did you stop singing?
As medicine~ I prescribe dancing and singing this playlist with me!
Believe in yourself, in others and in the goodness in all.
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