Our Mindfulness Moments are helpful, easily accessible tips for relaxation, centering, cleansing and connecting to ourselves on a soulful level. Slow down, breathe, and take a moment to tune in.

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    Bernice is a mental health counselor, mom, business owner and "living life to the fullest" enthusiast. She treasures her relationship with the Oula community and is honored to be able to offer some simple life hacks to help folks live their best lives.

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    Chelsea is a Registered Nurse and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and one of her greatest passions is helping others discover the health benefits of shifting to an Intuitive Eating mindset around food. She provides mindfulness-based activities that will grow your Intuitive Eating powers! ...


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    Chelsey lives in Billings MT and teaches both Oula and Oula One. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Although she loves her job working with Elementary students, her passion is for working with women on body image and whole body wellness. Oula has been an influential piece in her journey of...

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    Kelly is a certified personal trainer specializing in mindful movement with a background in trauma and resilience. She loves the emotional journey of Oula and is fascinated with music's ability to help us process emotions and express those emotions through movement. Mindfulness, breathwork and me...

  • SAMI
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    Sami Mitchell works & resides in both the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York and the magical Southern Baja Mexico. As of recent, Sami has become a creative & design consultant specializing in merchandising, staging and architectural interiors. Her souls desire is to share, communicate and begin...

  • Bridget Ambrose

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    Bridget Ambrose is an energy medicine healer. Leveraging her work as an Intuitive Reiki Master, Integrated CranioSacral Practitioner and Tarot Reader, Bridget is able to help people to understand how they are and who they are at a deeper level. By intuitively identifying stagnant energy sessions ...